Asian Institute of Maritime Studies

Asian Institute of Maritime Studies

The institute is a semi-military, regimental institution. It implements semi-military discipline to the students in the vicinity of the campus. As a requirement for graduation, a cadet/student should undergo Merchant Marine Cadetship Program (MMCP), a 1 month semi-military academy-style training of AIMS.

Every maritime cadet in the institute are required to finish three years of academics and one year Shipboard Apprenticeship Training on board. They are also required to take the National Service Training Program (NSTP) 1 and 2 as ordered by Republic Act 9163 or the NSTP Act. The only available program in the institute is the Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS). The Business students of the institute are also in a Four-year Degree program and also required to finish the NSTP-CWTS program.

Courses Offered

·         College of Maritime Education and Training (CMET)

·         Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation

·         Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering

·         Bachelor of Science in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

·         College of Business Education and Training (CBET)

·         Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration

·         Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

·         Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

·         Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management

·         Graduate School

·         Master in Maritime Administration (MARAD)

·         Master in Customs Administration (MCA)

Other Participating Companies

  • Torre Lorenzo Sales And Marketing Corporation
  • Wells Fargo
  • CPI Outsourcing